Leadership Team

Vision Team

The role of the Harbor Vision Team is to lead Harbor Church in accomplishing our mission of “Seeking God’s Heart, Sharing His Love.” The team strives to lead in three specific areas: Shepherding, Goal Setting, & Business Operations.

Shepherding (Church Life)

The team commits to lead by spiritually nurturing the members of Harbor Church. This includes spiritually supporting our members through prayer, spiritual guidance, staying connected to their lives, and displaying a spiritual life.

Goal Setting (Church Focus)

The team commits to lead our church by the establishment of one year and longer term, church-wide goals. These goals will be measurable and will have completion dates in order to monitor our progress. The team will strive to utilize the spiritual gifts, and natural talents of our congregation in the attainment of these goals so that the entire congregation can experience the joy of ministry.

Operations (Church Administration)

The team commits to lead by accomplishing the major administrative tasks of our church. These church-wide tasks include, but are not limited to, the creation and review of an annual church budget, analysis of staff and administrative infrastructure, the hiring or firing of senior level pastoral staff, and the acquisition of property for the church to lease or purchase.

The 2024 Vision Team

Nick Hightower, Chris Zobel, Crissy Brown, Tisha Rugg, Will Faulconer, Sam Koopmans, Glen Brooks, Greg Diehl, Matt Bach, Jarrod Weaver, Ivan Rangel, Rosie Clauer, Mike Huckabay and Franckie Calvillo. Please pray for them and their families as God works through them to lead Harbor.


Elders are responsible for the spiritual direction and development of the church and its members. The group is made up of pastors and laymen from the congregation who have been appointed by the Vision Team. They meet monthly to pray for the church and its members, to discuss the spiritual health/direction of the church, and to plan Vision Team meetings. Elders serve a 2-year term that can be renewed at the end of their service.

The 2023-2024 Elder Team

Carl Conli, George Warren, Glen Brooks, and Sam Koopmans